成分:史同人,目前爬墙boh,家庭情景剧爱好者,星战,月计,密教,夜谷,TMA(听了十几集),Gravity Falls(Transcendence AU),阿西莫夫,诡秘,Dead Cells,饥荒,Tr,好兆头,沙丘,ff14

“They taught me how important names are, and then I was told to toss mines aside.

They said the best way to keep a secret is to forget it, and I was forced to forgot the most important thing of my very being: my name.

Everything I had ever been and could ever be, was left there, to be covered in dust, just for the excuse of my safety.

And then, after a long time, all those who could had remembered, were dead.

Now I couldn’t find it back.”

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